Saturday, February 12, 2011

Microkia -Nokia and Microsoft announce partnership

Finally,Microkia has been formed on 11th Feb,2011 by Elop,CEO of Nokia  and Ballmer,CEO of Microsoft  who have created history by making "Strategic Alliance" of best product i.e. Mobile (Nokia market leader in Mobile Industry Globally)  and best services i.e. Operating System (Microsoft market leader in OS globally).
Hence Now we can see some positive move from Nokia to overcome his "burning platform" issue. An open letter on Nokia's Conversations site, penned jointly by Stephen Elop and Steve Ballmer, sets out the foregoing details along with the following statement of intent:
"There are other mobile ecosystems. We will disrupt them. There will be challenges. We will overcome them. Success requires speed. We will be swift. Together, we see the opportunity, and we have the will, the resources and the drive to succeed."

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